International Bareboat Skipper – ICC Certificate Coastal Skipper
The International Bareboat Skipper Course includes both Theory and Practical elements. The theory is by home study. The practical course component is run over 5 days. See notes on course modules below.
The Liquid Edge Sailing School training is unique in their approach and teaching methods.
Successful course completion qualifies you for the ICC and the International Bareboat Certificates. It is for those who wish to safely charter a small to medium yacht for their family holiday. There is a written exam which must be passed and this may be done online before or during the practical element.
Our instructors have sailed in most of the popular destinations around the world, such as Tahiti, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Whitsundays to name a few. They have also completed numerous coastal trips up and down the Australian Coast in both a professional capacity and recreational.
Sailing / boating experience is required, ie having skippered a yacht, been an active crew member or similar. Call us to discuss if unsure.
To qualify for the ICC and IYT Bareboat Certificates you will need a VHF Licence, if you do not have one please visit this page. Cost of both certificates is additional to the course costs. We will process these for you at cost.You need to have logged 200nm of sailing. Candidates who have less than 200nm may take this course and gain the miles required to obtain certification during and after the course.
Free on line theory course saves attending the last day, click here to go the course – bring the course certificate with you for our records.
Course Modules – Click below for more Information
Introduction to Sailing
The course includes a 300 page PDF booklet with comprehensive notes covered by each module.
Day one, morning:
- Introduction, overview and getting to know the yacht.
- Daily operating procedures.
- Location of key systems and layout of a yacht, including water, waste…
- The electrical system – switches and breakers
- Sailing instruments
- Underway with motor
- Raising the sails
- Tacking and gybing – when, why how
- Angles of sail relative to wind
- Anchoring or approaching a mooring buoy.
Day two:
- More on sailing techniques
- More on underway with motor
- Setting sails and trimming for wind angles
- When and how to reef (important) for strong conditions
- Comfortable sailing strategy
- Anchoring techniques, including crowded anchorages.
Docking, Berthing, Med Moor, MOB
Docking is relatively easy to learn, once learnt practice makes perfect, this course will set you up with the correct techniques to bring a yacht into any berthing / alongside situation without stress. We teach techniques to take the stress away and keep your crew and yacht safe.
The course is hands-on over a full day. A 3 hour session as offered by some others is not enough. Emphasis is on short handed or single handed techniques, all controlled from the boat.
Skills covered include:
- Reading the wind and currents
- Benefits of bow in or stern in
- Setting docking lines
- Spring off in tight situations
- Boat handling in close proximity to other yachts
- Fender placement
- Docking practice
- Picking up moorings in heavy weather
Man Overboard events are rare, but do occur. It is vital the skipper has some basic techniques and strategy to recover the person efficiently and safely. It is important not to make a bad situation worse.
We cover some basic techniques to address the issue, the manoeuvring required relates to the techniques we use when docking, so both sets of skills are taught on the same day.
Navigation for ICC
This is for someone who is chartering a yacht or Catamaran for a few days to a few weeks, and will cover the types of situations and information you are likely to need for safety and practical day to day use. It is the essential stepping stone to a more involved Navigation Course.
The course is a one day course and is combined with the Night Sailing course. It is broken up into to three sessions, one class room based and the other two on the water. There is some home work to prepare for the course – comprehensive notes supplied. Finishes around 9:30 pm (10:30 pm daylight saving).
- Chart information, what symbols mean and how to interpret
- Using Latitude and Longitude
- Calculating, distance, speed and time
- Plotting a course
- Allowing for currents and drift
- Using transits
- Taking a bearing
- Using electronic charts including Navionics on iPad
- Understanding AIS on Chartplotters (Identifies commercial vessels and registered recreational vessels)
Night Sailing
Navigating at night can be challenging and confusing for most sailors. Whether you are on familiar day time cruising ground or a new harbour, we show you how to interpret the many the lights you will encounter.
In busy harbours and closed waters such as Sydney Harbour it can be difficult to spot vessels or essential buoys due to background lights from buildings, roads and other structures.
Taking the time to go out on the Harbour with an experienced instructor will have you safely navigating and making your way.
This course is a one day course and is run in conjunction with Navigation for ICC . There are three sessions: one class room based and two on water. The course finishes around 9:30 pm (10:30 pm daylight saving).
You will receive detailed notes prior to the course and be asked to check some features on the chart we supply we need to look out for. The night takes us under Sydney Harbour Bridge, through the high traffic area of Circular Quay and on out to the heads, using the Eastern Chanel and Shark Island as key reference points. You will be asked to steer the yacht, use the leads on South Head to get a bearing, check the various Cardinal and other marks of importance. You will by the end be able to identify various marks, what they mean and why they are where they are.
This course is an essential part of piloting. (Navigation inside a Harbour)
Covered on the course:
- Marine buoys and lights: types, colours, characteristics
- Using leads to guide you
- Basic chart work (piloting)
- Establishing your position taking bearings
- Lights for different vessels
Day 5 - Written Exam and Review
This session may be completed online at home. The review can take place at the end of day 4. This is available to those who find it hard to get days off work. Call us to explain, as there are some conditions.
Common Questions
Yes. Our yachts are located on a small walk on walk off marina, close to shops and restaurants. There is a small charge to cover our costs. Bedding and towels will be supplied. Bring your own food or we can direct you to local supermarkets/restaurants.
Why do I need an ICC?
It is now mandatory to hold a recognised International Certificate of Competency (ICC) if you wish to use a yacht, charter a yacht in certain European countries. It is generally required for the inland and coastal waters of Mediterranean countries. It is strongly advised to check with your charter company as to the qualifications required.
The ICC is a product of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Resolution 40. The ICC provides documentary assurance from one Government to another that the holder meets the levels of competence laid down in Resolution 40.
Detailed information can be found on the IYT web site here
How experienced are your instructors?
Our instructors have cruised the Med, Croatia, Greece, Turkey and France. We are full time instructors and do not have jobs elsewhere. We will not call 3 days prior to a course and cancel due to lack of numbers. If you book a course, we run, (if we didn’t we would be sitting at our dock with nothing to do!) so book with confidence.
I am experienced – do I need a course?
Liquid Edge Sailing School will provide an exam only service.
Be sure you know the Colregs, docking techniques and have crew available to assist. We strongly advise you to purchase the RYA booklet called the ICC Handbook by Rob Gibson, the material in this book forms the basis of the exam.
When you book the exam or book a course we will send you comprehensive notes (some 300 pages) via PDF for you to study. The book is available at Whitworths and Boat Books Australia.
Free eLearning course available
Welcome to the FREE IYT ICC Theory course for coastal waters – International Edition.
- Completing the online training saves attending the last day.
- The course includes information required for VHF certification. The VHF exam must be successfully completed as part of the online course.
- Candidates who already hold a recognised VHF Certificate do not have to receive the final IYT VHF-SRC Certificate, however, the training is part of this course and must be completed. Students must hold a recognised VHF Certificate in order to obtain IYT’s ICC Certificate of Competency.
- The information contained in this course is provided free of charge in order to promote international boating safety. To take the free course and gain a thorough knowledge of the information required to obtain an IYT ICC, you simply need to register with IYT and pay a $0.00 invoice which you will be prompted to do.
The Link below takes you to the IYT web site where you will need to register. Please have a photo available for certificate(s). You will also need a password, so you may come back to the site and also manage your qualifications down the track.
eLearning CourseCheck Dates and Prices
Use pull down menu for dates
Fast Track ICC – Price 1,440.00
Our most popular course, completed as as a 5* day session. Choose from Catamaran or Mono Hull Yacht. Available dates will be displayed on the next page. * If online theory is completed at home, course may be shortened by a day.
Contact Us
By Phone: 0410088028
By email: training@liquidedge.com.au
Student Ratios
At Liquid Edge, we love teaching and want the best outcome for our students. All classes are conducted with a max of 5.